November 9, 2021

CVWD Adopts Climate Action and Adaptation Plan

Staff & Wire Reports

The Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) recently adopted the 2021 Coachella Valley Water District Climate Action and Adaptation Plan to guide the district’s response to climate change.

The Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) provides a comprehensive assessment of CVWD’s current Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from CVWD multi-faceted operations, and identifies the measures, policies, and projects developed to reduce GHGs.

The plan will support CVWD’s efforts to identify projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency and water supply resiliency. It will also help CVWD obtain funding necessary to implement such projects and further support CVWD’s mission.

The plan notes that CVWD recognizes the potential impact of climate change to its mission of providing high quality water to the Coachella Valley region at a reasonable cost in a reliable manner. This includes more intense flooding events and more persistent drought conditions that can harm CVWD flood control facilities and reduce local water supplies.

CVWD is working to improve sustainability in its operations and end uses among its customers through such programs as rebate programs for homeowners to invest in water-efficient landscaping and washing equipment, seminars and workshops to educate its customers, including commercial and agricultural end-users, water conservation contests for homes and businesses, and a number of other water conservations programs that target commercial and agricultural water efficiency.

CVWD and local water agencies are implementing water management plans that State officials have determined satisfy the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act which is designed to bring groundwater basins into balanced levels of pumping and recharge. CVWD is also expanding water recycling services to improve groundwater conditions within its service area. CVWD’s emphasis on sustainable water management and grant funded projects provided the catalyst for developing its first CAAP to help reduce GHG emissions from its operations.

To view the plan document, visit 2021 Climate Action and Adaptation Plan.

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