August 11, 2021

Work Begins on CVWD Non-Potable Water Pipeline Expansion Project

Staff & Wire Reports

Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) has begun work on a project to expand the Non-Potable Water (NPW) distribution pipeline system.

The latest project ultimately will connect four more golf courses to the pipeline to receive NPW for irrigation. The work that starts this week will provide a backbone pipeline from Bermuda Dunes Country Club and will involve construction for the next four to six months along Avenue 42, Washington Street and toward Water Reclamation Plant No. 10 (WRP10), CVWD’s largest water reclamation facility.

During this work over several months, there will be periodic lane closures. Lane closures will be marked and at least one lane in each direction will be open at all times.

The courses that will be connected to the NPW pipeline will include Bermuda Dunes Country Club, Oasis Country Club, Palm Desert Resort Country Club and Woodhaven Country Club. All connections are located in Palm Desert, except for the Bermuda Dunes connection.

The contractor, Jones Brothers Construction Company, will install approximately 33,702 linear feet of pipe along Hovley Lane East to the four golf courses. The project will allow the golf courses to reduce their reliance on groundwater for turf irrigation by using NPW including canal water and recycled water, alleviating overdraft of the aquifer and increasing the ability of CVWD to balance the supply of water with demand.

Of the 105 golf courses in CVWD’s jurisdiction, more than half use  NPW for irrigation, either all Colorado River water or a blend of Colorado River water and recycled water.


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