Most employers with indoor workplaces that reach 82 degrees or higher are now required to have a written Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Plan (“HIPP”).

Vee B. Sotelo is a partner at SBEMP Attorneys and chairperson of the firm’s Labor and Employment Department
In late June, Cal/OSHA adopted the Heat Illness Prevention in Indoor Places of Employment standard. This new standard establishes required safety measures for indoor workplaces to prevent indoor exposure to heat illness.
The HIPP can be 1) integrated into the employer’s current Injury Illness Prevention Plan, 2) integrated into their current Heat Illness Prevention Plan, or 3) maintained as a separate document.
The HIPP must include certain things, such as:
- Provision of Water and Cool-Down Areas
- Acclimatization
- Implementing Assessment and Control Measures
- Training Employees
- Implementing Procedures for Emergency Response
If you need assistance navigating the new Cal/OSHA regulations or any other employment law matter, contact Vee Sotelo at (760) 325-2575 or [email protected].