January 15, 2021

Southern California Rate Increases for 2021

By Emily Langenbahn

Yes, Southern California Edison (SCE) is at it again. In April 2020, their rates increased roughly 7% across the board. In 2021, they have asked for an additional increase of approximately 14% for residential rates, while commercial rates are estimated to rise between 9 to 11%. You can see the proposed rate change breakdown here and view the notice directly from SCE here.

What is the Purpose of the Increase in Rates?

Southern California Edison states the purpose of the rate increase is “to cover its anticipated costs from 2021 through 2024 for its employees to inspect, repair, and, when appropriate, upgrade poles, transformers and distribution lines. This includes reducing wildfire risk and upkeeping the safety of the grid.”

The cost to maintain this outdated infrastructure keeps rising. What will happen to your rates when SCE finally decides to replace its old infrastructure? Astronomical costs that will fall directly on the consumer—you.

How to Afford Utilities When SCE Rates Continue to Increase?

Make the Switch to Solar

The first answer is solar. Through SCE’s net metering program (NEM), you are credited for the energy your solar panels produce at the same rate you would normally pay to your utility. That means over the lifetime of a solar system, a solar-powered home could save tens of thousands of dollars on electricity costs! Our Coachella Valley solar installation team can help in just one call!

Add a Solar Battery Storage System

The next answer is to add a battery. Adding battery storage to your solar system creates a microgrid — better known with Renova Energy as Mycrogrid®. Microgrid technology allows your home to generate power through its solar panels while storing any excess energy inside the home itself, not feeing it back to the utility grid. Our Coachella Valley solar battery installers are ready to provide you and your family with peace of mind!

What Happens When Power is Generated Straight from Home and Never Reaches the Utility Grid?

By switching to solar and taking advantage of a solar battery system, your costs plummet and your power stays secure! Sound tempting? Call our Coachella Valley solar experts at Renova Energy, and let our team be your guide to a cost-saving future that is sure to deliver security and comfort!

Schedule your FREE consultation today when you reach out to Renova Energy!


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